Monday, May 17, 2010

The Jason and Evelyn Curtis Dyansty!

I have started this blog in order to record the history that Jason and I have created together.  I have journals and scrapbooks, but nothing is as detailed as it needs to be.  I want our children and their children to be able to look at this and see what a wonderful relationship that Jason and I have had.  I will be converting this blog into a book.  I have found out how, and I now have all of the software to do it.  I laugh to myself because I have it so easy with this.  I think of my ancestors who wrote with pen and paper (which I still do too), and others who had to use a typewriter. 

I taught a lesson in Young Women yesterday on keeping a journal.  I have learned a few things from this lesson that I had never known.  And I have a little bit of shame for not being as stalwart as I should be.  President Spencer W. Kimball said, "Every person should keep a journal and every person can keep a journal.  It should be an enlightening one and should bring great blessings and happiness to the families.  If there is anyone here who isn't doing so, will you repent today and change--change your life?"  A scriptural reference to go along with this quote is, 3 Nephi 23: 6-13.  The Lord rebukes the people for not recording all of the important events.

So here I am starting from the beginning of my Curtis life, since I was Campbell before!  I have currently been married to Jason for 7 1/2 wonerful years.  I hope that this flows and that the Lord's hand can be seen guiding and protecting us in our journey through life.  I guess this is my official autobiography!  I never thought I would ever write one!


  1. I completely agree! An Active duty Air Force Enlisted Man came into my eighth grade class as a substitute teacher (I am an Air Force brat so this isn't a big thing). Big, buff and highly intimidating (not to mention hot!), he started talking to a classroom full of kids who were WAY too cool for school. He started talking about how important keeping a journal was. Of course most of the boys chuckled and blew him off (at least on the outside to save face) but I heard him. I have written in random notebooks on and off without any amount of discipline for years. I had to wonder if it was worth it. But I am now writing a book about my young life and those journals filled in KEY information that was needed to move forward!! KEEP WRITING! I look forward to reading more!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement. I do not write in this blog as much as I should. I have a few written posts.. I just have not published them because they need revising. it is way too easy to get distracted from the good things in life!
